Sunday, October 26, 2008

Set Design

Hey team,

Here are some images that I've been looking at that are an inspiration for what the set is going to look like. Some changes that have been made to the idea so far are that instead of one large stained-glass window in the middle, there will be six smallish ones stage left and stage right, each depicting a biblical story that mirrors the themes of the play. Along the back wall will be the looming crucifix as well as a mish-mash of religious paraphenalia on some very tall shelves.

When a different theme or character is dealing with a certain issue, a window will light up, or focus will be brought to one of the items on the back wall (the revival of Sweeney Todd uses a similar concept - see the photo below).

Here is an example of where the choir and band will be located on-stage:

An example of how the sequence of stained-glass windows may look:

This is an example of how the "narrowness" of the set should feel:

...while also incorporating this sort of structure (notice specifically the industrial looking beams, complete with neon light tubes):

The "industrial-ness" of set for the musical RENT is also a huge inspiration (note the large, abstract construction stage left):

Some examples of lighting:

Lovin' the idea of hanging lights:

And my fav ("Beneath a million stars there's no need to pretend..."):

Now, picture all of that in this space!! (Don't be thrown off by the tiny white syc - the stage is much wider than that).

Let me know what you guys think! Can't wait to see what you all come up with!

1 comment:

Denise said...

fantastic images.

I think it's going to look so good in our space!